EPQ: Developing a Artefact

For a few weeks I have been struggling with developing my final piece for my extended project. I began by thinking I'd be best at writing a dissertation style research paper, however I felt like this didn't challenge any of the skills I already have. At school I do Biology, geography and english literature- all of which require essay and research skills.
This swiftly linked me to the skills I have, but want to develop further. I aspire to be a physiotherapist, and one of their key skills is in communication. This is regarding often complex medical information, needing to be relayed to patients in accessible language.
A large majorty of my research is from information pages like NHS choices, or equivalents. I soon noticed that the language used is not overly confusing, yet still formal and professional. This is a balance I want to develop.

To put these skills into practice, here on my blog I will publish individual posts on my theme, perhaps a different research post for each condition and the effects of exercise.
